Tough Mudder #2

First I want to say another Happy Father’s Day to my amazing dad! I didn’t get to spend any of the weekend with him but mom treated him right and we will celebrate properly later this week. It sounds like all of you out there also have pretty remarkable dads. That makes me happy.

This weekend was Tough Mudder #2 for me and it was fun to drag Dan along – even if it meant having to watch the DVR version of the US Open when we got home.

Brooke was awesome and drove us East to the city of Fossil where we witnessed the other side of Oregon that those of us from the city often forget about. Fossil, OR is a place where there’s no cell service and a simpler way of life on the ranch.

Or way of life on the ranch was anything but ‘simple‘, but at least we had a fun stay!

Quick Hits – then I’m hitting the pillow!

  • Last year I only made it over 3 of 4 walls, this year I made it over all 4 (with 2 slanted toward us!)
  • Last year I fell multiple times on Everest and never made it up (I quit) and this year I made it up the first time!
  • Having Dan there was the extra boost I needed to get me through ❤
  • Dan was a sweetheart and crashed into the water on the monkey bars before me, just to make it less embarrassing when I fell in on the first rung
  • Arctic Enema was actually a welcome relief from the warm temperatures
  • I had a ‘Brain Reboot” (blacked out) for a moment through Electric Eel. I opened my eyes, heard white noise and just kept crawling.

Sorry for not many photos, my iPhone was stored in our bag pretty quick once we made it to the venue – you’ll have to wait for the official race photos!

Thanks for a fun weekend, friends!

And yes, this was me on the monkey bars.

Weekend Links: Tough Mudder Style

Tuesday morning those of us who are participating in the 2013 Oregon Tough Mudder received this photo with a friendly reminder to not worry because “if you’re scared…… you can pee yourself. Everyone knows you can’t see pee in the mud.”

Thanks Big Mudder!

This will be my second Tough Mudder event and I’ll be joining my wonderful friends Brooke and her man friend Brad, while dragging Dan along for the torture fun!

In the words of Big Mudder, the vents are “hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie.”

I will promise to do my best, but can see something like this happening when I go to grab the monkey bars.

Last time Brooke went Beast-Mode on the same monkey bars and I am looking forward to being inspired by her once again.

Enough from me, here’s the links!

Wish us luck, last time I came home bruised from head to toe!


heart JE

Morning Routine

Do you remember this month’s goal #1: Early work only 5 times this month?

Sorry, how early is early?

For two months I was waking up at 4:15am and showing up to the office bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 6am, which was as soon as I was allowed access into the building.

A new month and a new me.

Rather than allow myself to fall into the snooze button trap, I decided to use my familiarity with an early alarm and make the most out of it. 

Long ago on the blog I wrote a post about the Benefits of Morning Exercise, and much of how I felt in October of 2012 still holds true today. Working out in the morning is amazing.

There’s so much that it can bring to your day!

  • Adrenaline
  • Accomplishment
  • Less worry about when to fit a workout in
  • A need for an earlier bedtime
  • Incentive to hydrate in the evening
  • Feelings of hunger for a whole and balanced breakfast
  • Cool air to breathe
  • Calm environment to focus
  • ZERO stress about what to wear and whether your outfit matches (as long as it’s street-visible!)
  • You’ve now earned your shower

So, for the time being, 4:15 – 5:15 is run time and self improvement time rather than the sleep time I’d originally intended to reclaim.

Now if I could just get Dan on the same schedule we’d be quite the pair!

My newest running buddies are 3lb hand weights that honestly do make my arms burn after an hour run. Aside from the burn, the added bonus is that people who see me running with hand weights believe that I’m that much more intense / intimidating / out for my own self-defense.

Who else loves to work out in the morning? What are the reasons you do it {or don’t do it!}?

P.S. I’ve only gone in early 3 times this month – looking forward to no more if I can help it!

heart JE

Catching Z’s

This weekend was what every weekend should be.

On Friday Dan and I were able to escape the West side at 4:15pm and we headed straight to the restaurant we go to as a reward if we make it home before 6pm. This restaurant isn’t necessarily our ‘favorite’, but it’s a checkpoint for whether we suck at life or if we have a good work-life balance. Most days we don’t make it home before 6pm and since that’s when happy hour ends we use it as our benchmark. We haven’t been able to make it for a few months so I’d say we are failing, but it makes the reward SO worth it when we’re good.

What’s the reward? Margarita’s for $2.45!

But what’s even better than happy hour after a long week’s work? The sleep that comes after filling yourself with tortilla chips and margaritas.

Dan and I, no joke, were in our pajamas and sawing logs by 6:15 pm on Friday night. You’d think we would have woken up at some weird time and couldn’t fall back to sleep, but no – we slept all the way until the morning. It was THE best Friday I’ve had in a long time. I wasn’t even mad that I broke my Fuelband streak, the rest was unbeatable.

Dan had to wake up early on Saturday {sucker!} for a double-work day, but I made the most of the empty bed and slept until 9:30 before heading out for a 9 mile run.

After the run any guesses what I did? I napped. For four hours.

The rest I needed this weekend was long overdue and Dan agrees that we need to spend more time dreaming about bunnies than stressing over spreadsheets.

Of course I didn’t just lay around, I had to catch up on a few runs to get to my 33 miles by June 10th checkpoint.

Running Stats:

  • Saturday: 9 Miles
  • Sunday: 9 Miles
  • Monday at 4:15am : 5 Miles

I happily wore no makeup this weekend, had the first samples of the raspberries growing in our backyard, prepped my meals for the week and pre-wrote a few posts for you. Nothing like productivity to start the week off on the right foot.

Even better was having the two golden sisters over to visit Sunday night.

What did you do this weekend? I can’t wait to hear about it!

heart JE

Feel Good Weekend

This weekend was full of good vibes for the house.

Dan and I spent a good portion of Saturday making our home clean and happy. It’s been a little while since we had a nice, deep clean – so we treated ourselves to a brand new Swiffer Wet Jet for the occasion.

Toilets were scrubbed, counters were scraped, three loads of laundry, two loads of dishes (mostly my tupperware) and even recycling/garbage duty.

More than just cleaning, we had some fun too!

As a result of cleaning, the pool table in the garage that has been covered with boxes since the move was unveiled, and we had a great time playing a few games with loud jams and competitive glances. The pool cue was an awesome gift from my brother for my birthday two years ago and I haven’t given her enough time and attention.

We’ve been killing it at the burger game lately. This beauty below was a result of the weekend prior’s food prep, fresh avocado & the perfect amount of sriracha topping. Dan is the grill master and anything I do never matches up. He’s happy that I’m so dependent.

Salmon Burgers

{Costco Salmon Burgers + Thin wheat buns + Mozzarella + Avocado + Sriracha}

Feeling even better, we had a special visit from mom, dad, Bailey and Bella for some landscaping work (more house help). Dan was out golfing in preparation for  his tournament next weekend, but when he came home he was greeted with kisses, wags and puppy dog eyes galore!

What else am I missing… oh yeah – I Ran! duh

Saturday Morning: 5 quick miles with Dan

Sunday Morning: 12 refreshing miles solo – nothing but good tunes and my thoughts.

Since I’ve been awful this month about my morning runs / Nike Training Club Goals, I’ve self prescribed myself a few more miles over and beyond my 100 as motivation to get out in this week’s forecast of sun and 70 degree weather.

How was your weekend?

heart JE

Countdown: Tough Mudder

Today marks 2 months to the day until we embark on another Tough Mudder adventure.

Tough Mudder events are 10-12 mile obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces that test your strength and stamina while forcing you to work together as a team and to finish strong, despite electric shock, freezing cold water and plenty of mud to go around.

Last year Brooke, Brad and I headed up to the Whistler Olympic Park in June to experience our first event and somehow we felt foolish enough to sign up and pay again to participate in a venue closer to home – Fossil, OR. This time around we were able to sucker Dan and a few other poor souls into facing the certain blood, sweat and tears waiting for us in Fossil this summer.

To give you a taste of what we’re up against, watch the latest hype video shared on Tough Mudder’s Facebook Page.

Quoting the site, we are supposed to “expect a hefty dose of mud, ice, fire, and electric shocks to test whether or not we’re tough enough to earn the coveted orange headband and an ice cold Dos Equis at the finish line.”

So far we’ve been doing the usual training, including long runs, body weight workouts and a #dirtyhairdontcare attitude, but this training schedule will ramp up significantly to prep for the next 60 days.

I guess first we need to find a hotel, don’t we?

If you want to check out my take-aways from last year, visit one of the very first posts ever written on this site.

Wish us luck with the rest of training!

heart JE

30 Miles + Many Smiles

Another weekend come and gone, and everything about it was time well spent!

Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping and my mister was home all weekend – not working, not playing golf and not sleeping in. Bliss.

{Credit to my neighbors, beautiful flowers!}

More Running for Days

If you remember that last weekend I ran 20 miles you’d call me crazy for the goal I set for myself this weekend.

20 miles in two days was a worthy challenge, so I decided to shoot for 30 from Friday – Sunday to put myself where I need to be for the month.

  • Friday 7:20 pm – 7 Miles
  • Saturday 8:40 am – 11 Miles
  • Sunday 9:20 am – 12 Miles

 Why would I set my goal at 30 miles in three days?

1. It reaffirms that I can do anything I set my mind to.

2. I’ve been worthless at getting mileage during the week and I see that trend continuing through the end of May.

3. Why not?


After my Saturday morning run, this is what I had waiting for me on the counter, piping hot:

{Eggs + Avocados + Jalapenos + Mozzarella}

{Poor Man’s Mimosa: Light or Wheat beer topped off with Orange Juice}

Dan is becoming quite the contributor to the magic made in the kitchen and I couldn’t be happier. The rumors are that he’s been known to live off of Mac n’ Hot Dogs – which proves that he’s had to really step up his game to keep the woman in his life happy. Thanks, dear!

Special Visitor

We had a special visit from Tanna (Happy Birthday week!) and Olive on Saturday and they were happy to meet Dan for the first time. It wasn’t the usual girl-chatty catch up sessions Tanna and I are used to, but we are looking forward to some warmer weather where we can get take walks in the park and take adorable photos of miss Olive feeding ducks at the pond.

Onto the Next

Sorry, Tiger Woods – you didn’t reclaim the green jacket but I hear you’ve still got years and years ahead of you before you retire. Next time. We’re still happy to have a son named after you.

Is it weird that I was excited to get to my desk this morning? I have a suspicious feeling that this is going to be another quality week for myself and my team.

heart JE

Throwback Thursday: Rain Rain, Time to Play!

How did the first day of Spring fare for everyone out there? If you’re located in the Pacific Northwest as I am you experienced highs of 52 and lows of 37 with peculiar weather in between.

Every time I looked outside I saw a different scene:

  • In the morning the ground was dewy and the rain was misty.
  • In the early afternoon the skies were overcast and gloomy.
  • In the mid-afternoon hail was rattling against the windows outside of the office.
  • Soon after the hail, the clouds broke apart to reveal a beautiful ray of sunshine, accompanied with puddles of rain collecting from the light continued showers.

Since I was desperate for a run to clear my mind after the events that have transpired this week, I was happy to be fully prepared with a rain jacket, shorts, pants, two pairs of shoes and a great attitude. I stepped out of the office in shorts and a rain jacket to plan for the worst but hope for the best. As my strides hit the freshly wet pavement I found myself beaming at the realization of how light the air felt, how refreshing the scent of spring can be and how this time of year is a beautiful reminder of life, love and beauty.

The first five miles of the run I was greeted with the warm sun against my face, happy runners and walkers getting their fitness in and a sense of clarity in my mind and my heart. The sixth and last mile of the run was what I was anticipating and what re-charged my batteries. It was in the last mile that the skies opened up and raindrops like tears flowed down my face, into my jacket and soaked into my soul.

Water hydrates, nourishes, replenishes and brings life to every living thing on this planet.

The next time you see rain out your window {no really, go look!} throw caution to the wind and invite the raindrops to transform you with their rhythmic and steady symphony.

Today’s Throwback Thursday is brought to you by a little giggly girl who has never minded the rain, especially in the company of a big furry chipmunk.

heart JE

20 Miles Later

I’d like to say that we had a pretty lazy weekend, but when I look back and remember feel that I ran 10 miles Friday night and 10 miles again on Sunday morning I really can’t make that claim. Portland had glimpses of good weather this weekend and somehow I found those windows and took advantage. Also, that means I’ve already knocked out two of four 10 miles runs for February.

If we’re honest, what I enjoyed the most about this weekend was having no plans and listening to what swept over me at the moment.  My only true plans were to get to 33 running miles for the month, grocery shop to re-stock the staples needed for Sunday night meal prep and watch the return of The Walking Dead that I’ve been anticipating for months now. With ease, all three were accomplished and I still had the chance to start a book about leadership that I remember enjoying in college. More on that topic soon.

I want to encourage everyone to go over to Brooke’s post from last week about her famous Fresh Veggie Salsa – since that’s what Dan and I are planning to enjoy in almost every meal together for the remainder of the week. I’m going to show you photos of my process. but force you to link to her page for the master recipe!

In addition to cooking and cleaning up a storm, I was proud of  Dan for seizing the opportunity to get his first round of golf in for the year (outside of the simulator). It’s one of his biggest passions in life and even though I’m horrible at it I still need to encourage him to play and understand that it’s an outlet for him similar to how running and blogging are outlets for me.

We stayed up way too late last night watching the previous, the new and the recap shows that The Walking Dead series had to offer. I wouldn’t have it any other way! 

❤ JE

Take the Time: Physical Therapy

There are so many shortcuts and fast paths available to us in this lifetime that sometimes we need to know when it’s necessary to stop and smell the flowers. If I could travel back in time I would smack my younger self when she decided to not floss twice a day – I’d give her a disapproving glare when she fell asleep with her contacts in – I’d even wag my finger at her for protesting her retainer.

In my younger years I was never the best at following instructions on how to repair my muscles and joints after workouts. Ice? Sure! Epsom Salt Baths? Whuh? heat packs? okay, those were nice… The fact is that all of these remedies and preventions took time – time that I wasn’t willing to spend on silly body parts that would just bounce back on their own. As the years have gone by I realize that I’m not able to bounce back like I used to. While I wasn’t running as much when I was younger, I still did a serious number on my arm from pitching and on my body from everything I was involved with as a three sport athlete.

In retrospect, my main focus aside from competing should have been studying ways to prepare and repair so that my body would continue to perform at its peak.

Now that I have more knowledge about how important it is to take care of your body before and after workouts and because I feel the results when I don’t!, I want to share with you some of the keys to how I stay healthy and positive in the midst of my sometimes demanding workout schedule.


I can’t express how important it is to hydrate. Not only is it important for your daily intake, water flowing through your body promotes muscle growth, elasticity and less likelihood of swelling. You should focus on drinking half your body weight in ounces of water per day – and even more if you’re losing excess fluid during the sweat session you’re putting yourself through.


Ever since college athletics I’ve been a little fearful of hitting the weight room. I never really enjoyed being put under a microscope and trying to hit a certain number for a bench press or a squat – especially when I was convinced that my form was off and was putting extra strain on my back. Now, I see that weight lifting and weight training is important to maintaining a healthy frame and keeping the balance so that the IT band, tendons and minor muscles aren’t exploited in new and straining exercises. Build up the muscles and they will protect you from further injury.

Foam Rolling

I was always intimidated by the Foam Roller but let me tell you – it’s become one of my best friends! You can find a foam roller at your local sporting goods store for around $20-$30 depending on the size. Foam rolling can be confusing for many people, especially because it can hurt so good. The YouTube video here can give you some key exercises that you’ll feel immediately and release that ugly fascia that sticks together just to be a pain. The roller I went for was at Dicks Sporting Goods (similar here).

And the stick!


Stretching is important whether its before or after a workout and even is beneficial when you put your feet on the floor first thing in the morning. It wakes up your muscles and promotes elasticity that you surely will notice if you haven’t stretched in a while. I personally take the time several times a day to stretch – whether it’s at my desk, practicing good posture in the car or good old fashioned post workout hamstring and calf stretches. Try to spend at least five minutes a day stretching and you’ll notice the difference.

Massage Therapy

I am so thankful to have discovered the joys of massage therapy and how it can change your world in just one session. I spend 90 minutes a month in the hands of the amazing performance-changing Maggie of M Therapeutic. I’ve been a client of hers for close to two years now and it’s the one thing I look forward to most each month. I try to schedule my sessions toward the end of the month so that psychologically I can feel like I’ve worked out all of the kinks of the month’s mileage and refresh the mind for the upcoming days that round out my 100 miles.

If you’re interested in experiencing what I mean – go to her website (M Therapeutic) and book an appointment today. All new clients are eligible for a discount session at $55 for 60 minutes and more savings if you book three sessions in advance. She specializes in massage for acute & chronic pain, discomfort relating to sports & physical injuries and aptly addresses daily pains & stiffness. Tell her I sent you! 

It’s incredibly important to be in tune with your body and listen to what your muscles tell you. Help yourself prevent injuries and illness that may be roadblocks on the way to your personal goals. 

❤ JE