June’s Eight Great Goals

I know you’re all excited to hear about how my weekend away went, but you’ll have to be patient as we work through establishing June’s Eight Great Goals and tomorrow’s informational and inspiring TED Talk Tuesday.

No song, no dance – let’s just get down to business (mainly because our flight was delayed and I’m running on fumes this morning!)

1. Earlywork only 5 times this month.

Since April 1st I’ve been showing up to work at 6am for more time in my day to get work done, more concentration, more productivity and more output. While I wouldn’t change the progress I made it also lead to less sleep, less patience at home, less carpooling and less balance. I will use up three of these days automatically today, tomorrow and Wednesday – but after that I’m driving in with my baby.

2. Lift Weights.

Whether that means training club classes, in my room after a run or even body weight work (squats, push-ups, lunges, etc) I want to build up some muscle to turn it into a revved up metabolism.

3. Call (actually call) Friends and Family.

I have an aversion to making phone calls and I need to get past it. There’s something about awkward silence that makes me feel socially inadequate and I’d like to change that. I’ve really changed my relationships in business by being fearless over the phone and I could transfer that to my personal life.

4. Meal Schedule.

Last weekend’s purposeful food prep for a Dan-free week got me excited about having a breakfast, lunch and dinner already figured out without having to consult my partner. Two can still play that game, and the way we can synchronize is by planning together.

5. Wait For Dinner.

A horrible habit of mine is to get home and immediately open all the cupboards, drawers and fridge. Terribly impatient for dinner, I mindlessly put away 100-200 worthless calories that would be better served through fro-yo after dinner or a soothing glass of wine while writing my blog.

6. Daily Doubles.

This goal and goal #2 go hand in hand, as I’ll finish a long 5-10 mile run and no longer have the need to do additional activity through the day. It’s okay to work out twice in one day and will encourage that second session of the day to be strength or balance focused.

7. Schedule Time Off.

Enough said. I’ve earned it.

8. Eat Lunch Away From My Desk.

Eating lunch at my desk is an activity I’ve become used to. Easy and productive aren’t good enough reasons to find myself wolfing down a salad, fitting more than I can into my mouth and allowing my grilled chicken to get cold while my lettuce becomes room temperature. I’m going to grab my Tupperware and head out onto the patio this month. Watch me!

Come back tomorrow for a TED talk about something Dan and I did way too much yesterday travelling across the country.

heart JE

Throwback Thursday: May Rain

So I know we were parading and dancing around a few weeks ago from all of the beautiful weather.

Our trip to the coast felt like we were in Mexico, I was shopping and worrying about what to wear professionally that wouldn’t be too hot for summer (buh-bye, tights!) and looking forward to shorts and flip flops out on the patio in the evening relaxing and entertaining around the grill.

Fast forward a few short weeks and instead we’re experiencing some’a this and some more’a this:

Something strange about me that you may have seen on here before is that I love the rain.

The soothing rhythm of the raindrops on rooftops, my opportunity to wear my Hunter Boots, the amazing excuse to drink 2-3 cups of coffee just to warm up. Lovely moments to look forward to.

My only true rain-related rants are that somehow other drivers don’t know how to drive in the rain, my hair doesn’t do well with moisture (both humidity and rain) and that Dan doesn’t seem to love the rain as much as I do… which makes me happy because when it’s raining he won’t spend all day playing golf.

This week it’s also making me happy that it’s raining for reasons I’ll do my best to explain tomorrow. Last year this week in particular was a difficult one for me emotionally, so it makes me happy that Dan and I have been curling up together under blankets, enjoying our evenings together and talking about how happy we are to be together.

Today’s Throwback Thursday is brought to you by a little girl who knew it was fun to romp around in the rain, cuddle up close with a loved one and give her cutest little mischievous glance; no poncho necessary.

heart JE

Wrap n’ Roll

Wrapping up the week and rolling straight into the weekend, that’s the name of the game! This week has flown by and I’ve also felt incredibly productive both at work and at home. I was able to run 4 weekdays (including this morning…which was a really early alarm for everyone), got a great amount of work done and was even able to sneak in a pedicure, a movie and some time with my Mr. Dan.

First of all, the half birthday celebrations yesterday were more than expected as always and I feel pampered, loved and fulfilled.

The day started out with Dan chauffeuring me into work in the rental mini-van, then returning to deliver me a extra big latte with extra big results, followed by a facebook frenzy of well wishes by friends, family and the sweet little sisters below – who are experts at photo editing #amIright?

The next wonderful thing that happened to me was this ‘omg!’ inducing lunch complete with meal-prepped grilled chicken, lettuce, 1/2 avocado and S.R.I.R.A.C.H.A. Dan was in charge of the sriracha ‘drenching’ on this one and sad to say it just didn’t kick enough. Therefore, tomorrow’s container leaves the chicken unrecognizable to the naked eye. #morespiceplz

At the end of the day after I had to put out a few tiny little fires at the workplace, Dan swooped me up and took US to get pedicures together in Beaverton. He loves taking me to get pedicures and he’s the happiest guy I’ve ever seen sitting back in the massage chair, people touching his weary hairy feet and even a little nail polish. He may not be as appreciative of me getting photo evidence for the blog, but I think he and his clear-painted nails will get over it!

To wrap up the evening, this handsome guy whisked me away in our weekend rented mini van and we headed to Cinetopia for dinner and Great Gatsby. I was thrilled beyond belief as I saw a dear childhood friend of mine enter the theater just after me, and it was a great to giggle, chat and make ‘let’s see each other soon’ plans with one another. In the meantime I’ll work on finding old photos of our younger years for a Throwback Thursday, Gretchen!

When we returned home late, I was surprised to find that my parents had dropped off a chocolate cake, fresh raspberries, a gift card to our favorite java spot and a beautiful flower in a vase picked straight from the garden – all for the special day!

I have the greatest family, friends and boyfriend I could ever ask for. It’s easy for my mind to be happy when there’s so much positive energy flowing through my beautiful life.

This weekend I have a lot of solid blog (this one) and educational reading/viewing to dive into (like this!) – many peaceful running miles while Dan’s off being important, and a whole amazing world around me to take in, one breath at a time!

heart JE

Mother’s Weekend

In case you missed it, last week’s Throwback Thursday was all about my wonderful mother.

Today, we’re going to talk about Mother’s Day weekend and the wonderful time that Dan and I spent with the family.

First of all, I think something that captures my mom’s loving personality is an update she posted to Facebook on mother’s day:

She truly feels that her greatest accomplishment has been motherhood – which makes me all the more excited about how she will embrace being a grandmother.

NOT a hint – sorry friends, you’re welcome Dan

Back to Mom’s special day!

Sunday morning I set out for a nine mile run while Dan called his mom and thanked her for everything she’s done as a mother. I got back home and he was mid-call with his dad, and I couldn’t even recognize his voice. He was so far into sports-mode that I thought there was a Sportscenter announcer sitting in our media room. Boy’s got another calling.

After cleaning up a little, we drove 20 minutes away with latte’s for all of us in hand. We arrived to crazy puppy town and got the girls all hyped up before taking them on a boardwalk park walk while learning that Tiger Woods won yet again – Go Tiger!

These girls walked so well through the park and had nothing but smiles on their sweet little mugs. It’s evident how much mom and dad both love these little girls – they are the luckiest puppies around!

We made it back from the walk and a gourmet meal was cooked up in no time! Our favorite mix of grilled chicken and sweet potato fries can make any meal whole – but even better and not pictured were the accompanying lettuce, salsa, greek yogurt and sisters snoozing at our feet.

The evening turned risky when we pulled out the crude card game (that I absolutely love): Cards Against Humanity

This past week the game with two expansion sets arrived on mom and dad’s doorstep from brother Matt – and Dan and I were the lucky ones to test the waters with the parents.

I knew they’d warm up to the game after a while, but didn’t realize that my dad would be responsible for some of the most hilarious, raunchy and blush-worthy combinations of cards I’d ever witnessed. After I saw some of the hands mom and dad were playing, Dan and I loosened up and actually played the same way we would have if we were surrounded by a group of peers. It was bliss.

Laughing until we cried, snorting, avoiding eye-contact; all indicators of a great time with the parents. Can’t wait until Matt comes home and gets to join in on the fun!

What a wonderful day with mom, dad, the sisters and the comfort of home.

heart JE


Did everyone have an amazing weekend like we had?

Friday night when I got home after typical afternoon traffic, I caught Dan in the kitchen popping the tab on the new Bud Light Margaritas and salting the rims on our fancy swoosh glassware. I threw my arms around him and thanked him for being the greatest boyfriend of all time.

Little did I know; he was boozin’ me up so that I would sit happily and quietly yeah right while watching the Chicago Bulls vs Miami Heat Game 3.

Little did he know; I was exhausted from the week and was sawing logs in the recliner by 6:45 pm.

…It’s tough being such a party animal.

Saturday morning after a quick run in the neighborhood, Dan headed to work at his second job at a golf course while I got ready for breakfast in the gorge with mom and grandma. We wanted to avoid the ‘mother’s day brunch’ so we made reservations at the Multnomah Falls Lodge where we had a great view of the waterfall and enjoyed some delicious plates.

*disclaimer: I didn’t take photos of the falls because I want to take Dan in June!

^Veggie omelette with ooey gooey cheese^

It was a great opportunity to catch grandma up on what Dan and I have been up to the past few months along with the exciting things I’ve been a part of at work. I also got to meet her new kitten – Dan is begging me to take him out to visit as well!

For the sake of brevity, we’ll talk about mother’s day tomorrow, but in the meantime I’ll leave you with the beautiful flowers that stopped me in my tracks on my 9 mile Sunday run. It’s important to stop and smell (read: photograph) the flowers.

Have a great week!

heart JE

Week 18: Cohabitation

I’m so happy that Dan and I headed to the coast last weekend because we really haven’t seen much of each other this week. We’ve both been so busy that when we do see each other it’s dinner time, it’s get-ready time or it’s ‘dont-bother-me-i’m-blogging-time’. Rough life

Before we get started with the week – check out the Bad Lip Reading for The AMC’s The Walking Dead

…Dan says that’s me at 2:45

Back at it –

House chores have fallen by the wayside and just yesterday we sorted week old mail into three important piles. The yours, mine, and ‘how do we stop getting this…’ piles are still sitting on the dining room table, but at least they’ve been sorted. Third time was a charm on loading / running the dishwasher as well. Soap was in, racks were loaded, but somehow there was no urgency in actually running the thing. Lastly, you know it’s bad when you decide to just buy more athletic wear to stretch out the frequency of laundry loads rather than just find the time. Love the new sports bras though!

Enough about what we’re doing wrong! How about what we’ve done right this week! Food related, obvi

1. Avocado + Sriracha Toast at the Coast

2. Costco trip turned into a belated Happy Birthday cake

3. Cinco de Mayo guacamole prep – yum! 

4. Post dinner-date with Brad and Brooke led us to ice cream

Dan wanted to make sure that I shared some of the cuteness from this weekend. Bella is an excellent snuggle-bug and my handsome Daniel was happy to take a nap on a hot day. Daniel is a favorite among the two golden sisters, they find it hard to leave his side when he’s around.

Can you even believe that he and I have lived together for 18 weeks? I can’t – it feels like much longer than that and I am so thrilled to call this house a home.

Enjoy your weekend and hug/call/cherish your mother!

heart JE

Throwback Thursday: Happy Mother’s Day

This weekend is about more than just getting flowers, a card and candy for your mother. It’s about thanking her for everything she’s ever done for you.

Today I’d like to give thanks and appreciation to my mother for devoting nearly the last 29 years of her life to being a wife, a mother, a provider, an educator, a volunteer, a caretaker, a fighter, a companion and an incredible role model for her two children (and several pets!).

Since the moment she brought me into the world, I’ve felt nothing but selfless love from my mother and always know that everything she does has our futures in mind.

I’m amazed every day by what she has accomplished in her life and what she continues to strive for now that she’s been retired for five years. Truly a person without limits, my mother sets her mind to something and does everything necessary to see success from her efforts.

She has never had a shortage of time, love or kindness for others and continually impresses me with the size of her heart. Not only is she thoughtful; my mother is strong, brave, intelligent, adventurous, creative and beautiful.

I feel like I’m constantly learning from her and am proud to be her daughter.

This throwback Thursday is brought to you by mommy’s little girl, forever and always.

heart JE

Grill Time

A heat wave has hit Portland this past week and is honestly the warmest streak I can remember ever coming through our city this early in the Spring.

With arrival of the beautiful weather also comes a constant need for sunglasses, increased time spent outside in the evenings and naturally the inclination to invite some friends over and fire up your grill.

I am very fortunate to have grill-master Dan by my side who loves to put grill lines on anything and everything – but sometimes we can fall into a rut of doing the same thing over and over – like grilled chicken, burgers, veggies in tin-foil, etc.

This summer we are planning to step up our grill game and I wanted to share some recipes from Pinterest and other blogs that I’m dying to try out.

My hope is that you can find something you’d like to try too – and maybe share some of your own or your favorite recipes with me!

1. Pineapple Mango Tropical Chicken Skewers

2. Grilled Focaccia Bread

3. Jerk Chicken & Grilled Pineapple Salsa

4. Grilled Zucchini

Sorry, I know – I’m drooling too.

Happy grilling!

heart JE

Beach Getaway

This weekend at the coast was unbelievable.

Not only was there a lot of quality family time, the weather was perfect and we truly felt like we were in Southern California and dare I say it – Mexico!

After a long week of working hard, this image about sums it up:

Getting rays down by the sand, taking naps on the porch, watching puppies run wild and eating tasty foods can make any weekend spectacular – I thankfully got to experience all of these!

Little lady Bella is still getting acclimated to the harsh ocean waves and it was fun to watch her curiosity as Bailey and Dad played in the surf.

She saw how much fun her sister was having out there in the waves so she stood on all fours and we could tell that she was processing what her next move would be.

It wasn’t natural or instinctive, but when she decided she would jump in – she went at it full force!

A day at the coast isn’t the same without puppy camaraderie and expert hole-diggin’!

In no time these two struck water and rested in the shallow pool they had created.

For such a gorgeous weekend we were lucky enough to find empty patches of sand where the puppies could run free.

If only every weekend on the Oregon Coast looked and felt as wonderful as this. Thanks Mom and Dad for letting us enjoy your home!

heart JE


Thanks for not throwing things at me on Friday for lamely re-directing you to another post that explained how I was feeling – a quality post just wasn’t going to happen.

Some things that did happen on Friday:

  • Scrambled and flustered practice-round presentation
  • A slap in my own face for revealing how scrambled I felt to my team and manager
  • Twenty minutes to myself to get game-time ready
  • A solid, composed and confident presentation when it counted.
  • A celebration patio beer with the team Except they got lunch too
  • A surprise work-birthday party… followed by not much other work.
  • Supergoose IPA in the sun while waiting for Dan to meet me at the theater
  • Iron Man 3 (great flick!)
  • Crashed hard when we got home at 10pm

Saturday morning Dan and I woke up early and refreshed. We quickly packed a bag (that held mostly our electronic devices) and hit the open road to meet up with my parents and little sisters at the coast.

The sun roof open and our sunglasses on the entire trip made us feel like it was mid-July. While the temperatures crept into the high 70’s and the rays of the sun soaked into our skin we felt nothing but joy, relief and a youthful nostalgia of summer break. We talked more in that two hour car ride than we’ve talked in the last few months, and even though a good majority of it was about work – it felt great to listen to his voice, talk about ways we can help each other and get inside of each other’s heads more than the usual “what do you want for dinner, how was your day, did you feed Tiger” conversations.

Unwinding for the weekend was the best thing we could have done for ourselves and definitely helped me with my ‘be spontaneous’ goal. As you can imagine, no additional work for the week was done for this blog, no work was done, no food prep was accomplished and we’ll have to save our Costco trip for another day.

And I’m fine with that, because nothing can beat a sunset like this one.

heart JE