June’s Eight Great Goals

I know you’re all excited to hear about how my weekend away went, but you’ll have to be patient as we work through establishing June’s Eight Great Goals and tomorrow’s informational and inspiring TED Talk Tuesday.

No song, no dance – let’s just get down to business (mainly because our flight was delayed and I’m running on fumes this morning!)

1. Earlywork only 5 times this month.

Since April 1st I’ve been showing up to work at 6am for more time in my day to get work done, more concentration, more productivity and more output. While I wouldn’t change the progress I made it also lead to less sleep, less patience at home, less carpooling and less balance. I will use up three of these days automatically today, tomorrow and Wednesday – but after that I’m driving in with my baby.

2. Lift Weights.

Whether that means training club classes, in my room after a run or even body weight work (squats, push-ups, lunges, etc) I want to build up some muscle to turn it into a revved up metabolism.

3. Call (actually call) Friends and Family.

I have an aversion to making phone calls and I need to get past it. There’s something about awkward silence that makes me feel socially inadequate and I’d like to change that. I’ve really changed my relationships in business by being fearless over the phone and I could transfer that to my personal life.

4. Meal Schedule.

Last weekend’s purposeful food prep for a Dan-free week got me excited about having a breakfast, lunch and dinner already figured out without having to consult my partner. Two can still play that game, and the way we can synchronize is by planning together.

5. Wait For Dinner.

A horrible habit of mine is to get home and immediately open all the cupboards, drawers and fridge. Terribly impatient for dinner, I mindlessly put away 100-200 worthless calories that would be better served through fro-yo after dinner or a soothing glass of wine while writing my blog.

6. Daily Doubles.

This goal and goal #2 go hand in hand, as I’ll finish a long 5-10 mile run and no longer have the need to do additional activity through the day. It’s okay to work out twice in one day and will encourage that second session of the day to be strength or balance focused.

7. Schedule Time Off.

Enough said. I’ve earned it.

8. Eat Lunch Away From My Desk.

Eating lunch at my desk is an activity I’ve become used to. Easy and productive aren’t good enough reasons to find myself wolfing down a salad, fitting more than I can into my mouth and allowing my grilled chicken to get cold while my lettuce becomes room temperature. I’m going to grab my Tupperware and head out onto the patio this month. Watch me!

Come back tomorrow for a TED talk about something Dan and I did way too much yesterday travelling across the country.

heart JE

7 thoughts on “June’s Eight Great Goals

  1. I love that you make resolutions each month, and I can soooooo relate to so many of these goals. I really want to start strength training and get into a routine with it–inspired by the “Big 5” exercises in this awesome book we just got http://www.amazon.com/Body-Science-Research-Program-Results/dp/0071597174 (heard about it on this fave podcast http://www.bulletproofexec.com/podcast-26-body-by-science-with-dr-doug-mcguff-md/). I think I need to find a gym, though!! I definitely also need to work on not snacking immediately when I get home (I almost feel my mouth water as I’m a few blocks away, and need to just make sure I have a big enough lunch to keep me full through dinner), and have yet to get a good system for not eating my lunch at my desk. My current office doesn’t have a lunch room =( but I start a new job in less than 2 weeks and I bet I will then!

    • That’s so funny that you’re a get home and raid the pantry too. I did everything as planned today, let’s see if I can keep it up! Congrats on your new upcoming job!

  2. Pingback: Morning Routine | JUMPING JE

  3. Pingback: June Accountability Check | JUMPING JE

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