May’s Eight Great Goals

It’s here. May. The month I’ve been waiting for to really show what I’m made of, kick the summer off right and to get down to business.

Last month’s goals were difficult to achieve with all of the craziness that came at me with work, so you’ll find that this month’s goals are a bit more aligned with taking care of myself, making plain times into fun times and appreciating some of the simpler things in life that otherwise could go overlooked in the shadows.

I know that this month will be even busier – so while I’m getting my grind on at work – I think it’s important to focus on me, my Daniel and my friendships.

Thanks for sticking around with me through the good times and bad times – it’s been a wild ride!

May’s Eight Great Goals

1. Be Spontaneous.

Too often my day, outfit, meals, workouts and spare time is planned out to the minute. I’d love to throw caution to the wind this month and let my hair down when the opportunity comes my way.

2. Spend more quality time with my Daniel.

This means knocking out writing my blogs ahead of time, inviting him for runs with me, paying attention to all of the things that prevent stress-free time together today and promote more happy times together tomorrow.

3. Run more during the week.

I graphed it – and close to 70% of my miles this year have fallen on weekends. That means that weekday life is out of hand and I need to get back to lacing up to decompress after a hard day’s work.

4. Sleep in on the weekend. 

Getting more runs in the week will lead into less pressure to wake up early on the weekend. Dan and I bicker with each other every Saturday & Sunday morning when I have an alarm set for 7am to beat the morning rush and get a peaceful neighborhood run in. “groan-sleep-murmur-grrr” While that’s just my style, it’s important to me to spend those mornings with my man as well.

5. Hydrate.

I have this goal on this list almost every month and it keeps coming back because I’m pretty spotty about meeting my daily water quota. 64+ ounces per day, no excuses – and maybe even more as the temperatures begin to rise.

6. Photography.

I have a great camera that takes beautiful photos and I can’t remember the last time I posted something on here that wasn’t from iPhone / instagram. It may be because editing/posting takes a lot of extra time, but I should take photos for more than just the purpose of this blog.

7. Pamper Myself.

More than just my monthly massage, I’m going to get my nails done, schedule a hair appointment and take care of my skin. I deserve it.

8. Leave work NO later than 6pm.

This is the maximum – I’ve made it a point to leave before 5pm both days so far this week and all of my co-workers are shocked. I think it’s a trend that I like and can make a point of keeping.

Wish me the best of luck this time around – these seem like more realistic goals than what I set for myself in April.

What are your goals for the month? Can you borrow a few of mine?

heart JE

3 thoughts on “May’s Eight Great Goals

  1. Pingback: Bachelorette Weekend | JUMPING JE

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